Thursday, August 6, 2009

You and Me....... So Different We Are....

I've been blessed with the wonderful opportunity to attend Canaan Christian Church here in Louisville, Kentucky while at my MCAT Summer Workshop. They release a quarterly publication entitled "The Word for You Today." It is a wonderful tool to use while spending time with God in the morning. Since I seem to be having some interesting relationship dealings here recently.... this one stuck out to me and I decided to share it with everyone. :-)

"Male and Female He Created Them"
Understanding the Difference
Genesis 1:27 NIV

Is Professor Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady right? Are men more rational and forgiving than women? No, but there's a difference. Let's say a problem arises before work. After work, he's forgotten it; he's compartmentalized it to focus on work. For him it's over, but not for her. She's rehearsed, processed, and labeled it, while multi-tasking all day. It hasn't disappeared; it's unfinished business. After work he comes home, blissfully unconscious, and ba-boom, it erupts. He's got that bewildered, "Is there a problem?" look. "Is he playing naive?" she wonders. "How could he possibly forget?" He's thinking, "What's gotten into her? Not that little incident from this morning? Who harbors something so insignificant that long?"

Since God created male and female differently, He tells us to "Conduct....married life with understanding" (1Pe 3:7 NEB). Understanding brings happiness. His brain functions compartmentally. He moves from family to work to recreation to hobbies, etc., each compartment walled off from the other. When in one he forgets the others. But her compartments are connected, spilling over into eachother. She's working and thinking about the kids an planning dinner, etc., simultaneously! No walls. So this morning's incident is still in her mind, though forgotten by him. By understanding differences she can give him time to get back into "the family compartment" before raising the issue. And he can realize she's not being unreasonable or unforgiving, she's being what God made her. Until the issue is resolved she has no place to hide from it. She need closure so she can feel good about the relationship again. "Male and female he created them." Only by understanding that we can live in harmony.

I laughed while reading it, because I have seen myself in this position numerous times. Often times both sexes are always trying to figure out what is going in the mind of the opposite sex. Some differences are evident, but some aren't so easily seen/understood. It seems all too simple to accept the fact we are just different and try to find common ground. In the situation stated above, neither person is right or wrong. Yes, it happens like that. lol It was refreshing to read this.

I guess men are really from Mars and women are really from Venus. Divinely created.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Staying Out Of Reverse

A random date that marks change in my life. I decided I was finally ready to make a personal transformation.

I felt like I was going insane. A few days prior I found myself falling back into old self-destructive habits I had as a child/pre-teen/teenager. It scared me. The stresses of school,
money, relationships, friendships, and family were weighing really heavy on my shoulders.

It was like the "high" I had been having about life instantly disappeared and I was going through withdrawal

I just wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. I paced around the room until I broke down in tears. The tears wouldn't stop flowing and my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my 
chest. It was like my body was going through a flash thunderstorm. All I could do was pray.... I asked God to show me the way. I told Him I was tired.... my mind, my body, my soul... all 3 were weary. 


I was going in reverse again. Fixated on old issues and problems that were over and done with. It was bringing me down. I got up and took a long look in the mirror....

At that moment I became honest with myself: nothing in my life would change unless I put in more effort and took better care of myself. No more running away, no more making excuses. I am 100% responsible for my own happiness and success. I took a look at some of the things that has been on my mind the most and decided to tackle them with a different, more positive approach. 

Medical School..... I had been procrastinating on the application process and making it worse for myself. I finally set some goals and have been working to tackle it step by step. It is going better than I thought. I told myself I wouldn't quit before I started. I can make the dream a reality with a little hard work and dedication. I want to be accepted the first time around.... period.

Relationship with my Father.... Father's day was a tough one. I used to be the #1 Daddy's girl and let's just say it isn't like that anymore. Every day is a struggle for me when I think about my father. The past few years have been one hell of a roller coaster ride. I love him with all my heart regardless of some of his actions. A child always seems to have unconditional love. It's a work in progress. 

My Body...... I'm not 100% satisfied, but me not doing anything won't change anything. I can honestly say I have been the most comfortable with myself than I have in a LONG TIME, but some things bother me. Most of my childhood I battled with some serious self-esteem issues. Every day I am falling more in love with who I am and beginning to truly embrace the body that God has given me. I just need to take care of myself and I know it will make a huge difference in my daily walk. I'm tired of "hiding." Also, with the news that my mother now has Diabetes, I am increasingly concerned about my health. I worked out today and it felt wonderful. It's been a while... too long.

Love...... I've made a mess of it all. Now I am doing some much needed housework to clean it up. I have all these feelings... so many feelings... My last entry was concerning a guy I had been "involved" with for the past 8 or 9 months. I had become consumed in him. I also made the "relationship" bigger than it was in my mind. I fell in love with him and I am okay saying that. It is funny how women and men think so differently, but thats how life is. Every day I awaken to a new realization about the whole situation and it has caused me to do some serious soul searching. For the longest time I was embarrassed about it, but I am taking it as a learning lesson. In addition, someone has recently come back into my life and im not sure how to feel. Another individual expressed his feelings to me the other evening and that adds some fuel to the fire. I am soooo afraid to potentially start back again or start something new. I have said to myself numerous times that I wanted someone in my life, but in reality I don't have it together. In a recent conversation with my counselor I discovered I really don't even know what I want. I also need to let some stuff go so I can stop assuming all relationships will end up being the same. It's like I would be focused on something eventually going wrong instead of the fact that it may actually go right.  I'm working on myself right now and I think I need to take some time for me to figure it all out so I can put my best foot forward. 

I know changing is not going to be an easy, fly by night task to complete but I am ready....